Your website is the hub around which everything revolves. Social Media sites like Facebook, email marketing and blogs can also be important additional parts of your strategy to communicate with your members.
Partners In Profit will work with you to help you find ways you can use digital resources to meet your important goals.
We work with Partners that provide you quality services for the lowest possible cost. Like an email provider who gives you Free basic Email Marketing services for up to 2000 members.
Basic On-line event calendar services for Free. YouTube online video and audio storage are Free.
Social Media sites like Facebook provide all the basic services you need for Free. Blogging services that post to your social media sites like Facebook for Free.
Online shopping cart services starting at Free.
Blogs, Social Media, Websites and Email Newsletters all are excellent tools for your Church to further your mission.
You can share stories of faith and your mission on your website & on Social Media. Social media is the perfect place for your congregation to interact with each other and with you.
Blogs & Email newsletters are an inexpensive way to keep your congregation informed of happenings and of your message.
You can create an activity calendar online for free that can be linked or embedded in your website or social media page. Changes made to the calendar are instantly updated everywhere.
If you want to share video or pictures, setting up your free YouTube channel is a priority. It is the perfect place to save video or audio of your sermons. Or recordings of your church’s many activities. Once stored there they can easily be linked to or directly embedded in your website, social media page & blogs.
We at Partners In Profit are here to help you harness the power of the web to further your mission.
Our Club demo site shows more of how embedded video, online shopping carts and online calendars work.
Click Here to see the Club demo siteYour website is the place to define your positions & promote your message. You can share & repost articles & videos that motivate & inform your constituents. You can use blogs and social media to keep your audience informed & motivated. Properly using social media can facilitate two way involvement and communication about your message and your positions.
You can create an activity calendar online for free that can be linked or embedded in your website or social media page. Changes made to the calendar are instantly updated everywhere. A basic online calendar service is free.
Email marketing can allow you to tailor your messages to just specific special interest segments of your audience so that the right message reaches the right individuals, while avoiding drowning others in too many messages that don’t interest them. Blogs are more for a general audience and can be viewed on your website or from your Social Media postings.
We can recommend basic email solutions that are free. A YouTube channel can allow free storage of video and audio. Blogging services start out with basic free services.Social media accounts are generally free.
For candidates with limited resources, email & social media is the perfect way to get your message out inexpensively. Individual candidates can use the Internet to maximize their precious resources. A Social Media page like Facebook is free. It can be used to reach potential voters who agree with your positions and philosophy. It can be used to generate an email list which you can use to keep in contact your supporters. Your supporters can be encouraged to share your posts with other like minded voters. If you are running for office, Partners In Profit can help you.
Our Club demo site shows more of how embedded video, online shopping carts and online calendars work.
Click Here to see the Club demo siteService Organizations such as Fire Companies, Non-Profits & Charities all have their own special needs. Fundraising is always going on. There is a constant need to get your message out to those that you serve, and to those that support your mission.
Your website often has to serve & inform many very different groups of people. Use text, pictures & video to do so. Often the different groups have very different needs and viewpoints. There might be those you serve, your members, employees, and those that support you and your mission. It should be designed with that in mind.
A properly set up email newsletter campaign can segment your various different groups into special interests groups. You do not want to overwhelm everyone with too much information that might not be of interest to them. We can set up your website and social media pages to allow people to join the special interest groups that will give them the right information they really want.
An integrated on-line Activity/Event calendar can keep everyone informed via the web,email & social media sites like Facebook.
Our Club demo site shows more of how embedded video, online shopping carts and online calendars work. Many of our solutions are free of monthly fees.
Click Here to see the Club demo site